ATS - Manufacturers




ATS MS420 Stand-Alone or Table-Top Bander

This light weight portable unit provides reliable heat seal banding.

US-2000 Digital Controls

The ATS US-2000 Digital Control features an electronic interface and advanced circuitry that improve the outstanding speed, reliability and durability that have made the US-2000 the preferred choice for industrial banders and automated banding systems.

ATS US-2000 AD & LD Ultra Sonic Bander

Unlike other banding machines which use a heat seal, the US-2000 machine uses an ultrasonic weld.

ATS US-2000 ADU Ultra Sonic Bander

Unmatched ultrasonic sealing technology.

US-2100 Wide Format Bander

Felins offers the ATS US-2100 wide format bander, which is specially designed for band widths of 75mm and 100mm, respectively.